It is so easy to be afraid.
The story in a nutshell...
January 6 -- Barry falls on the ice at work and hurts his shoulder.
January and February -- The doctor sends him to physical therapy to see if it will mend on its own. He makes progress, but not enough. Doctor schedules an MRI.
March 8 -- Doctor says MRI confirms a full-thickness tear of the distal supraspinatus tendon. He will need surgery and is referred to an orthopedic surgeon.
March 9 -- Barry picks up the MRI films from the radiologist to give to the orthopedic surgeon, since that doc prefers to get the films and not a CD. Enclosed with them is the printed copy of the radiology report. Snoopy me, I dig it out and read it. I discover that there is also a partial tear of another tendon the doc said nothing about. I am also chagrined to see that the insurance doc also did not mention that the radiologist saw a "heterogeneous marrow lesion" in the upper arm bone that he thought needed to be checked out further with x-rays. He even said that a "marrow infiltrative neoplasm" could not be ruled out by what he could see on the MRI...
March 10 -- Barry gets a set of x-rays of his upper arm (at the radiology office recommended by our chiropractor), and he leaves the MRI films so the radiology doc there can compare the two and assess the problem. He brings the x-rays home on CD which my computer obligingly opens up for me... Yes, we can see what they are talking about--a wispy whiter area inside the upper bone just below the shoulder joint.
March 11 -- No news.
So today I was waiting.
Barry left for a very early meeting this morning. Coral stays home on Fridays, so she was still in bed. I was whisking around the house, full of anxious energy, wishing we would hear something before the weekend. The phone rang. The radiology office. They had sent the report to our chiropractor...
For some reason, the kitchen sink is one of my thinking places, and as I worked on the dishes, a familiar verse kept surfacing. I often repeat this verse, so the fact that I thought of it today was no surprise. "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." (Ps 56:3) A sort of statement. An act of the will. A decision today.
But then my conversation with God continued. Me talking, Him listening. I think He is used to that. I tend to talk more than I listen, not often a good thing! I told him how many things in my world scare me. I am afraid of pain, afraid of losing my loved ones, afraid for Coral's future, afraid of suffering... afraid of things that happen and things that might happen...
Quick as a flash, I stopped talking and listened, because He answered me! Not an answer I was searching for or thinking up. One that came and interrupted me. "Don't be afraid! I have overcome the world!" (I looked it up--Jn 16:33)
Worship is not just for Sunday mornings!
I called the chiropractor's office and wanted to make an appointment. He said he could talk to Barry over the phone. Over the PHONE?? So when Barry came home, he called. It is a benign tumor, not attached to anything, just there. And it appears to have been there for some time. We just have not had a reason to know about it.
"In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
--John 16:33
But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
--John 16:33
Well, I must say this is a big relief! But I guess Barry mustn't yet be feeling the relief with surgery ahead! I was wondering about something -- is this the shoulder of the same arm in which he has had tingling and numbness in recent years?
My favourite line in your post: "Worship is not just for Sunday mornings!"
Yes, it is a big relief! And yes, this is the same side that has given him the tingling and numbness in his hand. I wonder if there is a connection?? Maybe there is. The numbness and tingling has been gone now for about 7 or 8 months. It is kind of amazing, really. The MRI did also show a significant amount of arthritis in his shoulder, as well.
Nice fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
Hi guys, my names Eva and im completely new to this forum.
I hope that I'll learn and share a lot of interesting things.
John 16:33 -- what a fantastic verse!!
Love you guys so much!!! :)
Yes, it is a fantastic verse, Kinza!
Love you, too!
Thank you for sharing this. I needed to be reminded to be not afraid.
Blessings to Barry.
Best, Kyra (quilter)
Hi Kyra! For some reason, I missed seeing your comment before. Thanks for coming by and for the blessings for Barry. I need to post an update since it has been so long, but he has come through his surgery so well. It has indeed been a blessing!
Great story as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that matter. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few pictures of some gizmos.
Alex Stepman
jammer buy
Thank you for your kind words on my blog - and I am going to be honest with you and say your comment leaves not a dry eye to whomever reads it.
I am so grateful to have connected, even if it just this, to another mama who has so much more wisdom and experience than I. You inspire me. I love this post. Doing the dishes! Me too!
Love to you and your sweet family, all the time.
little feet in my house
Looking forward to your blogging again Jeanette
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