The wheelchair van came to pick Coral up for her day program activities, and as I passed the hedge by the driveway, I stopped short as these lovely purple blooms caught my eye. There they were, looking like part of our hedge. Right now, the hedge is covered with tiny white blossoms, so those purple flowers definitely stand out. I never saw that thistle growing up under the hedge. If I had, I might have pulled it out when it was small, thinking of it as a total nuisance! But now that it has grown, I can see how truly lovely it is.
I love finding unexpected beauty! Coral is sort of like that thistle. Some people, including doctors, thought we would find her a nuisance and advised us to "pull her out" and put her in a "home." But now even they can see how truly lovely she is.
Coral definitely stands out in the hedge of our family with beautiful blossoms all her own.
What we call 'weeds' may be some of God's greatest creations ... I firmly believe they're all here for a reason ... if nothing else than to teach us we can't really control them! I prefer to call them wild-flowers.
I love the picture, and the analogy!
We have many Texas wildflowers, which I love to dig up and put in pots. My hubby laughs at me for planting weeds! But a weed is just a flower without a home.
Coral is definitely a lovely flower!
Another great post, J!
Beautiful, it is!
Thanks for your encouraging comments, ladies!
I do think wildflowers are beautiful, too. And without the weeds in our part of the country, the soil would have blown away long ago. It is so dry here, and the weeds are very necessary just to maintain the land. If only they would obey the rules, though, and stay out of the garden!
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