Barry is rototilling to keep the weeds under control. He can get that thing going, and then he walks along by it keeping one hand on it to make it go straight. This end has the corn, and then on the other side there are beans, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, eggplant, collard greens, and cucumbers. We also have a patio planter (one of those ones that has some of the plants growing upside down) with peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant, as well as one section along the side of the garden where we have strawberry plants.
The beans are ready to pick, and today I got green onions and peppers for lunch. Soon the corn will be ready, too, and then it will be time to freeze beans and corn for the winter. If we have more than we can eat now, I also like to make ratatouille to freeze ready to heat and serve with rice.
There is loads of weeding to be done right now. Who can come over and help?
I'll be right over . . . ;-)
I wish you could, Renae!
This looks more like a farm than a garden!
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