On Saturday Trent, Barry, and I went for another hike in the mountains. We did a fairly easy trail (that I felt up to!), and then Barry and Trent went on to do a much more difficult one. I had brought an easy-reading book for just such a time, and so they left me happily sitting on a bench looking across the canyon at this cliff. How peaceful it was sitting there in the gentle breeze! And how amazing what people aspire to do...
Look more closely...
Get out those binoculars...
I kept hearing shouts of "Wooo-hooo!" that came ringing across the valley as one of the climbers rejoiced in another few feet gained!
How small I am in the middle of God's glorious and amazing creation! And what I can see is a minuscule reflection of what He can do...
(Pictures by Trent)
Amazing. That person is braver than I am.
You are so blessed, Jeanette, to live in such surroundings!
That person is MUCH braver than I am, Renae! And you are right that we are blessed to live in these surroundings. A 30-minute drive puts us up in the mountains (well, at least in the foothills). On the more difficult trail that Trent and Barry were on, they could see the Continental Divide. I may post the picture that Trent took looking in that direction later.
I get feeling skiddish just SEEING someone doing that!
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