Someday I hope to find silhouette pictures that are just like the ones my mother had when I was little, but for now these are pretty close!
The silhouettes are painted on curved glass with a plain peachy-beige paper behind to make the figures show up well. There is a thin brass frame around the edge.
I don't know why I loved my mother's pictures so much. And what is more, I don't understand how she could have carefully packed those glass pictures and taken them half way around the world with her without some special reason... How can she not remember now that she ever had them? We are talking about a lady who remembers every detail of everything that ever happened to all of us, past and present, and who can put my memory to shame!
Maybe those pictures were just meant for my enjoyment!
Isn't it funny how things from our childhood can be so special to us, when they weren't that big of a deal to our parents? Years ago, I caught my mom getting ready to throw out some old Christmas decorations. To her, they were just old, faded, worthless decorations, but to me, they represented my childhood! So now, I proudly display some of those old, faded decorations at my house every Christmas!
That is so true, Renae! I guess we each see something as beautiful for reasons all our own.
Maybe your children will develop some special attachment to some of those same decorations, and someday they will not let you throw them away, either! That is how heirlooms begin!
Well you, I'm not intending to shirk on the blogs but I'm trying to figure out what's up with me! I found out today ... it's my blood pressure! I've had a headache persisting that won't quit even with Tylenol. Last night in the middle of the night I suddenly thought about the possibility of my BP! I got up and tried to find my equipment from active nursing days -- found the stethoscope but no cuff! I stopped at the drug store on my way home and was not amused! So I've booked off work for a couple of days and will go to see the doc tomorrow.I am such a little salt-a-holic and have ALWAYS had low BP! Sometimes it has been down to 98/58. It's shocking to have a diastolic in triple digits. I've vegged on the couch all evening -- now I'm going to bed!
Well, I hope that the doc will ascertain that it is "essential hypertension" as opposed to a symptom of something else. I have a little AutoCorrect phrase in my computer. "soof" expands out to "symptoms of uncontrolled hypertension such as headache, malaise, or fatigue." One of the doctors says that many times every day. So there you have the symptoms.
When I went on meds for it 15 or so years ago, my BP was about 150/110, in case it helps the doc to know what the family is like. And what has worked for me is hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg a day, which is 1/2 of a tiny pink pill. I think Mum has taken the same thing but may be on more stuff now. This dose still works for me. Since this is so much off your norm, though, the doc may want to do a bit of testing...
Get some rest and let me know what happens.
Carol-ann, :-( so sorry you are under the weather. Take it easy, my friend. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Oooo, I like the picture, Renae! Good addition to your comments! I saw that pic before on one of the websites. It is very good!
I just learned how to upload it today! ;-)
Obsessive little compulsive that I am -- why am I still not in bed?! I'm lookin' for my BP cuff with that old-fashioned sphygmomanometer! Knowing me, I probably used all the parts of it a long time ago to fix something else in the house!
Thanks y'all fer yer sympathy! I'm glad for the "family history", JJ! I knew you were like Mom in this but didn't realize the extent! I had just assumed I was gonna take after Pops for my whole life!
Wow, Renae, it's sure nice to see your little face!
You will have to come back and update us, Carol-Ann. I'm sure all will be well in due time. Some people say that sea salt and regular table salt are used differently by the body, and sea salt is not as bad for the blood pressure(not sure if it is true or not, but if you love salt, it is worth checking it out). You might be more of a salt-aholic than I am, but if I want salt, I use it. However, I use only sea salt at home for everything. I think the no-salt thing is very important to some doctors and not so much to others...
I posted the update to this on our Winner's Blog. Trying not to duplicate effort here! :)
Actually, I guess I should give the link to the actual post rather the general blog.
Just stumbled onto your blog - what lovely pictures. I remember my kindegardner teacher would do a images like that for each person in the class. What a great memory! Thanks!
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