Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

November 3, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 11/03/2008

Western Meadowlark
(Picture by Gord)

Ooph, what a day this has been! I hope tomorrow is better...
Remember to sing, no matter what!

By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.
--Psalms 42:8


Renae said...

Beautiful picture. Beautiful message.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

This is such a perfect shot! It's the kind of picture you'd never want to have on a jig-saw puzzle because the blue is so pure right across the sky!

Ah yes! Don't forget to sing!

Jeanette said...

Thanks, ladies!

Yes, I would avoid a puzzle like this, C-A! It would just wear me down to a frazzle!

Today might be a little better than yesterday... I'm trying to decide...

Barry leaves tomorrow for NJ to visit Mom who might hopefully be coming home very shortly. She is one tough lady to go through all she has been through. She probably feels weak, but she is really just the opposite. Barry will be coming home late on Monday, so Coral and I will be managing on our own for a few days.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Now that's tough on you, JJ!

I know Ma Blue is amazing! She seems to have a resilience that far outstretches my elasticity!

Phillip said...

Hi there! This place does seem to be mainly a ladies hangout, but I thought I'd pop in and say howdy anyway. I'm impressed in that this blog seems to have some prolific writing. "Sing no matter what" is a good message today, after the conservatives lost in the presidential election. We need to pray for this country that Biblical morality will matter again someday. Greetings to all your friends and relations in Colorado and beyond!

Jeanette said...

Hi Phillip! I'm so glad you came to visit! How are things at the North Pole? And thanks for the comment on the writing on this blog! I appreciate it!

I agree with you totally that we need to pray for our country, that Biblical morality will matter again some day. So much effort is focused on fixing the symptoms while the root problem is ignored.

It is true this looks like primarily a ladies hangout, but I happen to know there are some men who drop by quite often but have not left any tracks!