Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

December 25, 2008

Holy and happy and peaceful...


I question if Christmas can ever be "merry"
Except to the heart of an innocent child.
For when time has taught us the meaning of sorrow
And sobered the spirits that once were so wild,
When all the green graves that lie scattered behind us
Like milestones are marking the length of the way,
And echoes of voices that no more shall greet us
Have saddened the chimes of the bright Christmas Day,
We may not be merry, the long years forbid it,
The years that have brought us such manifold smarts,
But we may be happy, if only we carry
The Spirit of Christmas deep down in our hearts...

...Hence I shall not wish you the old "Merry Christmas,"
Since that is of shadowless childhood a part,
But one that is holy and happy and peaceful,
The Spirit of Christmas deep down in your heart.

--Annie Johnson Flint

I wish for you, my dear friends, a Christmas that is holy and happy and peaceful!


Amrita said...

I absolutely agree with you Jeanette and we were talking about it.

Thank you for this post.

Nancy said...

Thank you Jeanette, this poem is so timely, as I enjoy the excitement of the grandchildren, but my own heart ponders silently the holiness of the Event of the ages.Bless you and your family as you gather together.

Jeanette said...

I'm so glad you both came to visit me today! And thanks for your comments, Amrita and Nancy. I think we are all feeling the same way this Christmas. I hope you have had a wonderful and blessed day with your loved ones.

Louise said...

Such a beautiful poem Jeanette, and such truth to the words. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Bless you my friend.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

You just have to love that Annie Johnson Flint!

We are expecting Gord and his family later today -- we also have Allen family Christmas in Markham.

Keep warm!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you like the poem, Louise! Somehow it seemed more true for me this Christmas than it has before.

Jeanette said...

Hi Carol-Ann. Hope the family traveling up from New Jersey has safe traveling today. Have fun! I wish I could be there, too. And I hope your Christmas celebration today with the Allen side of the Family is a really nice time for all of you.

Renae said...

Oh, this is a beautiful poem, and so true. It is good to have my very feelings put so beautifully into words. Thank you for sharing this.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

"Happy New Year" to the Blues!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ooops! I guess it's still 2008 in Denver!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you like the poem, too, Renae!

Tonight we had a quiet party with some of our friends, and it was so nice to sit around the good food and chat and laugh and share the last evening of 2008. Our friend Keith asked the blessing on our food, and he ended his prayer with "May this new year be the year of Your return!"

I wish for each of you a new year full of blessings, especially the hope we have because... This could be the year!

Rick said...

Hello Jeanette, I use to live in Longmont. Co. I miss the Rockies, but I still live in a beautiful area.

Please forgive me for being so bold, but I am doing a bit of blog surf to invite people to sign up for my giveaway. There are no gimmicks. This is just my way of celebrating two years of blogging. On January 4th I am giving away a free caricature drawn by me. I'd be honored if you came by and signed up for a chance to win.

Renae said...

Missing your posts, my friend . . .

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Art thou well, dear sis?

Louise said...

Thou art missed in bloggy-land my friend. I pray all is well with you and yours.

Carol-Ann Allen said...
