That's tonight!
That is almost exactly a year ago... and here we go again!
I'm looking out my office window, and I can see the sparkling lights of the city down below us--crystal clear, and not a flake in sight. It's kind of hard to believe the forecast. But in the mountains, the snow is already thickly falling. I'm sure I will wake up in the night and look out the window hopefully.
How I love being snowed in!
Today I went to the store and stocked up on yogurt. The "yogurt shelf" in the fridge was almost empty, and Little Miss Muffin (Coral herself) thinks it is yogurt or nothing for breakfast. Being snowed in without enough of that would be too much to bear! (You'll have to take my word for it!)
a gray dawn
white sheets of snow blocking out the world
the thwipp-thwipp-thwipp of the coffee perking
warm jammies
my family
How blessed I am!
(And if we really do get this snow, I'll take a picture for you!)
Please try to hang onto that snow until mid-May, will you?
And by all means, keep the yogurt shelf full! We can't disappoint Miss Muffin, can we?
We could do with some cool snowed in New Brunswick too and my sister was very unhapy.
Did it snow? I love the description ... thwipp, thwipp, thwipp! Spell-checker doesn't know what to do with it!
You might just still see snow in the mountains in mid-May, Renae! In fact, I'm sure you will!
I love the snow, Amrita, but it is because I don't have to drive anywhere. I am such a chicken when I have to go out in it, so if I did, I would be unhappy just like your sister.
And yes, Carol-Ann! It snowed, as you will see from my later post. You just have to not care about that spell-checker when you make up your own words!
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