Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

November 27, 2004

My other blessing...

Tonight snow is beginning to wisp across our street in little wavy drifts. There is just enough of it to make me think of apple cider and cinnamon sticks in the crockpot!

Trent and I decided to brave the weather, and so we drove down the street to buy a few groceries. As we went into the store, we met an older lady I know. She asked, "Is that your son?" After I introduced them, she said, "You are so fortunate to have a son like that!" Her generous and loving spirit was such a gift to me tonight, because she does not have any children of her own... and she reminded me of something I already know ... I am very blessed.

I remember when we first discovered we were going to have our second baby. Coral was nearly two, and she was developmentally like a newborn but with the addition of a seizure disorder and the inability to eat normally. When we went to bed at night, I would lie there and cry. I'm sure Barry didn't know what to do with me! But I was so afraid that what happened during Coral's birth would happen again. And I was totally overwhelmed with the very idea of adding the care of another baby to what I already had to do.

During this time, I was church organist. Sometimes, between hymns on Sunday mornings, I would look down from my organ bench and watch another young mother take her little boy out of the sanctuary. He always looked where they were going and took in everything with eager attention. Tears would roll down my face as I saw them, because my little girl never paid attention to anything, and somehow I just didn't seem able to get past that painful spot.

What I didn't know was that there was someone on the way to help me with that, and it was Trent! What I thought would be too much for me was really going to be my blessing! Our new baby was born with his eyes wide open, looking at everything with interest right from the very start! And 22 years later, we are very proud of him. He makes me laugh all the time, especially when he talks loudly with a Scottish accent when we are out shopping! He is always inviting me to take late-night drives to Wendys, and he works patiently on my computer, even when I do foolish things that bring on all kinds of spyware problems!

Yes, I cried at night, and yes, there were many times I was totally overwhelmed. But God knew what I needed...

1 comment:

Eagle-eye Di said...

You have just blessed my heart very much.You don't know me only through Carol you will.I am her best friend,Jeannie's sister,Eagle Eye Di.I sat here this morning reading your blog about Coral and your second child with tears running down my cheeks reading it to my son. My son Daniel was born with Hereditary Congenital Glacoma and Nero Fibromotosis a year after my husband and I we're married. He is our first of three and he went totally blind as of 10 years old. He is now almost 33 years old and has a daughter,almost 3 years old who also has his Nero Fibromotosis disease.Life isn't doesn't always turn out easy but God is good.I remember to this day the morning as I was alone in the hospital room and the doctor came in to tell me of my son's eye disease.My insides wanted to explode and the tears could hardly wait until the doctor was gone.My folks lived in Pontiac and I in Grand Rapids.My husband at work,no friend I felt all alone except for the fact that I knew I had the Lord in my heart.The song came on the radio... If That Isn't Love...I sat on my bed listening to that song with tears flowing down my cheeks like a river.Thank-you for your story and sharing.Life is hard but God is good.