Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

February 10, 2008

A Typical Evening at My House

Here I sit at my computer. Coral is beside me in her wheelchair, keeping me company as she loves to do. Her big Elmo is sitting in the chair by Dad's computer, and she is hoping that Dad will soon come in here and "yell" at Elmo to leave his computer alone! This is a game we play every day. It never gets old to Coral, and her pure joy never gets old to me!

Coral has her headphones on. She likes it that way, and so do I, because that means all her fun stuff is heard by her alone. We call it her "umbilical cord," because it stretches all the way from her headphones down the hall and into her room where it is plugged into her TV. She can go anywhere in the house and hear her TV programs. Every day I set the recorder to record her favorites, one after the other, and then when she gets home each afternoon, she gets to catch up.

Right now, she is leaning toward me with a cute little smile, saying, "I'm waiting." She knows that I know that she knows that I know what she means! She is waiting for "Becker," her new favorite program, to come on. All evening she says the same thing: "I'm waiting." And all evening I answer her: "I know you are. It's not time yet."

Every few minutes I hear a jingle. Coral holds in her left hand a set of bells that she got for Christmas many years ago. She loves them and wants to hold them all the time. Every time she is excited about something, or something makes her jump, they go jingle, jingle. In her right hand she holds a little fox with very long arms and legs. Andrea and Uncle Gord bought him for Coral at the zoo several years ago, and he has had to have many baths to keep him pleasant! His name is Kirk, named after one of her favorite singers. On her knee sits Elmo (her smaller Elmo). These three are "The Boys" and are with Coral all the time.

From the living room come the faint sounds of a basketball game on the other TV. Dad is enjoying his quiet evening and so are we. He loves to watch Becker, too; in fact, that is how Coral found out about it. So in another hour or so, we are going to join Dad in the living room and watch it together before Coral goes to bed. I will do my exercises while we watch. It is becoming one of our little routines.

How very thankful I am for the peace in my home.


Louise said...

Oh Jeanette, what a beautiful post. What a blessing it is to live in a peace-filled home, regardless of what goes on outside our doors. I believe God gives us marriage, children and family so that we can retreat with them into quiet, peaceful places during our stay on this earth.
I thank you for reading my posts and deeply appreciate your comments. I never thought I'd ever be one to do a blog, but here I am and grateful for the opportunity to write and share what the Lord is doing in my life. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it.
May God bless you & your family.

Jeanette said...

Thank you so much, Louise, for visiting my blog and leaving me such encouraging comments.

I love reading your posts. So much of what you say rings true for my life. You have a wonderful talent for writing, and I'm glad the Lord is using it through your blog where I can read it!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hey there J!
An evening at your house indeed! I can just see and hear everything so well! And I particularly like it that Elmo is not let off the hook with bad behaviour!

I have to agree with Louise -- this is a "beautiful post"!

Jeanette said...

It is amazing how much correction that Elmo needs! Coral has taken to calling him "Big Elmo" (as opposed to the numerous little Elmos she has). If we happen to leave him in the other room, she calls "Big Ell-mmo" until we go and fetch him!