Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

January 26, 2009

Under the covers...

Yesterday was pretty cold -- in the single digits F -- and last night the weatherman said we might get some snow. So this morning I got up with one decision to be made right away. Should Coral go to her day program or not? First I checked the outdoor thermometer... Brrrr... 4 degrees F. (minus 15 C.) I took a squint out the kitchen window and saw that quite a brisk wind was moving the evergreens. Nope. This is the whole reason why I work from home. No more sending Coral out in terrible weather. No more worrying about how to call work and say I can't come. No more stress about doing the right thing. (And, of course, wearing flannel jammies and sipping hot tea while I type!) Then it began to snow, and I could not even see the house across the field. Confirmation of my good judgment, I told myself! And Coral snoozed until late in the morning, nice and warm under the covers!

Someone else had the right idea this morning about where to stay warm...Trent took this picture and sent it to me.
He got out of bed, and when he came back, there was Tux who had made himself all cozy!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ha! You just have to love that Tux! By the way, did you hear the ruckus thundering across the continent .... "A Post! A Post! Jeanette put up a POST!"

I've been on a break myself! In my old age blogging gets done when the inspiration hits!

Glad to see ya here but I think I shall bite the dust on the Winners Blog -- at least, for awhile. One never really knows!

Renae said...

It is supposed to get icy here tonight, and we're supposed to have SNOW flurries tomorrow night.


If it does snow, we won't be under the covers. We'll be out in it, raking it up (yes, with a rake) and building a snowman!

Stay warm, my friend.

Jeanette said...

Ha ha! Sorry about the ruckus! I fully intended to send Coral to the day program today, but it is now -3 degrees F (-19 C), and there are accidents everywhere, so I called and canceled her transportation. So I hear giggling from her room!

I hope you get enough snow to make it fun, Renae! Just be careful driving...

Amrita said...

Oh you dear people come to India in the winters. You 'll love it here.

My Sheeba also does the Tux act when she is cold. She is the last one to get out of bed.

Louise said...

Good to see you're back and thankful you're inside and safe. We're due about 4" of snow tonight & into tomorrow. There must be a foot on the ground now. Ah, the joys of winter.

Jeanette said...

I love that Sheeba of yours, Amrita! I know how much you love her, too. Each pet has such a distinct personality, but who among us does not like a warm bed?? Some winter we might just show up on your doorstep, Amrita!

And Louise, I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. I hope your are staying warm and healthy. I think you get more snow than we do. Sometimes we have a lot of it, but it disappears quickly. I love the snow and hate the bitter cold if there is only brown ground to show for it. But I speak as one who usually does not have to drive anywhere! How spoiled I am becoming!

Renae said...

:-( No snow. Just a tiny bit of ice on the windshield of my car.

I'm coming to see you! ;-)

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I'm having difficulty leaving this comment! I guess Blogger is a bit temperamental right now.

Just wanted to say that every header that appears on this blog is "the best yet"! How much better than "the best" can Trent keep doing!

Jeanette said...

Trent has been taking the best pictures! And lucky me, he lets me put them on my blog!

Andrea said...

Well I rushed on over here to read your love story for Valentines Day... only to be disappointed! Haha, jk. But I will keep checking to see when it is up.

P.S. I expect to see a picture with the story :)

Jeanette said...

I think I have figured this out! It is Carol-Ann who is doing the Valentine's story, and she posted part 9 accidentally on the Winners by Losing blog. She then took her post off there and put it on her blog where it was supposed to be! So that is where you can find it. It is excellent, so go on over there and enjoy!

Hmmm... I have not even given a thought to writing a Valentine's story... I'm just not sure the world is ready!! Ha ha!

Andrea said...

When I read your comment on winnersbylosing I realized my mistake as well! In fact, I have already visited her website and read all nine of her engaging posts! Valentines Day is so fun!

Jeanette said...

I saw this morning that she has #10 up there now, too! I am really enjoying it and keep waiting for the next installment!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

These comments are too funny. I check for you mostly through bloglines so I didn't know there had been a dialogue here! I came over here this morning to see if you had actually put up a new post and bloglines hadn't received it!!!

I'm hoping to finish the series by the end of Valentine's Day -- we shall see!