I was thinking how much like life that is. Things go along smoothly and well for awhile, and somehow we get to thinking that we are doing a pretty good job. Then in comes a "winter storm" without much warning, reminding us that we are not in charge at all.
We have a big thick hedge of cherry bushes along the east side of our house. They are already blooming, and the birds are swooping about hoping for a bumper crop of those sour little cherries. They love to gorge themselves and then flit about "depositing" the leftover undigested pits. Those little pits have grown into stray cherry bushes here and there and everywhere. They are drab little straight shoots sticking up, and we pass them by unnoticed all year long...until spring. Now, just when we are longing for green grass and flowers, there they are! Delicate pink and white blossoms in unexpected places!
Does the Lord find me blooming in unexpected places?
In this world of desolate sadness and coldness, when He is longing for green grass and flowers, does He find me blooming?
I really liked this post! Small 'fession -- I sticky-fingered it over onto the Tin Roof!
By the way -- your new profile picture ... for the first time in our lives I can say I feel like I might not have been adopted after all! We actually do seem to slightly resemble each other!
I'll have to go over to the Tin Roof and check it out! You can sticky-finger any time you like. That is a compliment!
I needed a new picture, so I stuck the camera out in front of myself and snapped a few. I know what you mean...I can see the resemblance, too!
Oh, you two make me wish I had a sister! My older brother's face is covered in "fur" . . . LOL!
Beautiful post. It seems like in my life the harder the winter, the sweeter the "flowers" seem when they come. It is the winter that makes us appreciate even the small, unexpected blessings of spring!
If you have seen any of the older family pictures on here, Renae, you will already know that our older brother's face is covered in "fur" also!!
It is such a compliment for you to say that we make you wish you had a sister! Not everyone is thankful for her sister, but I certainly am!! Blogging and email has helped us get much more connected than we used to be since we live so far apart. We have so much fun and share so many memories (bad, good, sad, happy) that go way back. There is really no other person who can take the place of a sister!
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