Coral wanted to watch some of her favorite music videos this morning, and I told her I love to hear her singing. She was stiff with excitement and anticipation at the very thought! I got her up and fed her breakfast and then wheeled her into the living room where I put on a video of The Talley Trio from many years ago and plugged in her headphones.
I fixed myself some brunch and sat at the dining room table to eat it where I could also see the TV and hear Coral singing along with all her heart. Even though she has not watched these videos in many months, she still remembers every arrangement, all the words, every little slur of the voices. If she were going to enter a singing competition today, the panel of judges would shoo us right out, I know, but how sweet it sounds to me!
As I sat at the table this morning, I was remembering an elderly gentleman who sat very close to the center front in church many years ago. He loved the old hymns and all the stories of how and why they were written. With joy and love, he sang those beautiful songs every Sunday. He could not help himself. In his ringing tuneless off-key voice, he sang with all his heart! When he was not around, others talked. They felt he was sitting too close to the microphone that was used to broadcast the service over the radio. They worried that he was making the whole thing sound terrible to those who might tune in. I know they had to be concerned about those things...
Still, I wondered then if God's ears are different from ours, and I can't help wondering again today. Does He hear things the way we do? Or is the pure heart of praise and joy in His presence all that really matters to Him? If so, He heard the most beautiful music in church those many years ago, and He is hearing it again today in our living room!
Very sweet! Another great post, J!
Just thinking about that little scene makes me smile. So you girls are holdin' down the fort, eh? I'm sure it is going to feel like a long, long weekend to you!
What a beautiful post Jeanette and I love the pictures of Coral. You can see 'worship' and joy and peace in her as she sings.
I'm not sure how or what God hears, but I think it's as you said, it's the pure heart of praise and joy in His presence that matters most. Looking at her in these photos tells me the Lord must be well-pleased with her singing and her heart.
Wonder what we look like as we sing? Are we lost in Him?
p.s. I'm feeling better tonight. Thank you for praying!
Oh, I'm so glad you are feeling better, Louise! What a wonderful answer to prayer!
I have had people who do not know us come after church to say how much they were blessed by watching Coral during the service. Her being a blessing to others is a huge blessing to me!
Yes, C-A, we are holding down the fort. You must have read that on the other blog!! I rather like having no schedule but my own for a little while, I have to admit, but we don't want Barry gone for long.
Oh, this is so beautiful! Such pure worship. You're right . . . God heard some beautiful music today.
Thanks for sharing this with us!
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