Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

November 9, 2008

A week of music!

This week will be different... and here's why...

Today is Carol-Ann's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, C-A!

If you know much about her, you know that she is one musical gal! She sings, plays quite a few different instruments, and has written a lot of songs over the years. When Gord and Carol-Ann and I were growing up, we played our instruments and sang together, and in the years since then, music has been a big part of our lives. It has the power to lift us up, especially when the words are ones that turn our thoughts and our hearts to God.

So this week (every day if I can manage it!), I will post a link to a favorite song. Maybe these will be new to you, but I hope you will love them as much as I do!

Today's song is by the Hoppers, a family group made up of Claude and Connie (mom and dad), Dean and Mike (their sons), and Kim (Dean's wife). Dean sings, and Mike plays the drums. They have been to our city several times, and we have traveled to other places to hear them, too. They know Coral by name (which thrills her, let me tell you!)

Every time I hear this song, tears roll down my face as I long for heaven, the New Jerusalem!

JERUSALEM -- by The Hoppers

(Left to right: Mike, Kim, Dean, Connie, Claude)


Amrita said...

Oh Hi Jeanette,

Good to see this blog of yours.Its lovely.

And visiting you told me that today is Carol-Ann 's birthday.I must greet her.

Love, Amrita

Amrita said...

Oh i loved the song. Heard it for the first time.

Jeanette said...

Amrita, I am so delighted to see that you visited my blog! I'm glad you like it, and I'm especially glad that you loved the song!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Aha! Here you gals are again! I just found your greetings on the Winners blog and now here is my double scoop of icecream!

Thanks Jeanette! Wow! A whole week of links to your favourite songs! This is great! What a birthday present!

You know, I just have to say that my instruments have all, every single last one, been learned when there was a great need of some sort in my life! There has been no better activity that I am aware of when facing the crossroads of life than focusing on what it takes to learn a new instrument.

Is it the proverbial mid-life crisis time? I don't know -- I hate to think that I would be so immature as to succumb to the likes of hormonally induced irritation and negativity! But I have searched around for another instrument and have decided to branch out into the reeds. For this my 52nd birthday, hubby and Kinza gave me a clarinet and already I am smiling broadly and starting to sing! I shall U-Tube for ya with it before too long.

Thanks again for contributing to the special things of the day!


Jeanette said...

You are very welcome, C-A! Can't wait for that YouTube rendition of something new!

By the way, I'm wondering if there is any way you can change the past YouTube recording to be normal instead of mirror image?? Maybe there is a button to click or something. It just doesn't quite look like you because I guess we are just not as symmetrical as we think, and it looks backwards to me!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ha! It must be a Hodgson thing! I have fretted about that mirror image myself, JJ! Sorry! No can do without rerecording the whole thing! I recorded it using my webcam and had no idea that it was recording on mirror image.
After the initial recording I reformatted it to a smaller file so "flipping it" really isn't possible as far as I know.

Jeanette said...

Oh, Pooh! Well, thanks for letting me know! I kept thinking something looked wrong and finally figured out the guitar was pointing the wrong way!! Ha ha! Yes, it must be a Hodgson thing. I do love that song, though, and the explanation, as well.

Renae said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Carol-Ann!
Happy Birthday to you!

Sorry it's a day late. Praying for a blessed year for you!

And loved the song, Jeanette!

Rebecca said...

Thank you for the reminder of Carol Ann's birthday....and what a way to honour her...thank you!

Jeanette said...

Hi Rebecca! I'm so glad you came by! I've probably been having more fun than anyone listening to the music and picking songs... I have shed more glad tears this week than I have for a long time!