Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

April 17, 2009

It DID snow!

It was just as I thought...
I got up twice in the middle of the night to check for snow.
Just rain. Oh, phooey!
But then very, very early just as it was starting to get light, the snow began to fall, huge chunks of snowflakes all clinging together as if they were afraid to hit the ground.
It has kept up all day with a few clear times here and there.

Here's one of those clear times, taken from our front porch, on this very gray day.

Now the snow is falling steadily again, making everything all fuzzy and white.

A lot of snow is collecting on the bushes by our front porch. Pretty soon, we will take pity on those bushes and get the broom out to brush off all that weight!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Beautiful! I love gray, dark stormy days and nights! What is that for a gloomy malady! Be they rain or snow inducing, bring on the clouds!

Jeanette said...

We are cut from the same cloth, we are! I am so energized by gloomy days, I think it might be a disorder if we compare ourselves with the rest of the world!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I relate to this completely and have claimed the same to friends and family for years! "Energized" is the word. I think it may have its roots in having been raised in tropical rainforest. I remember the excitement around the house when we were in for "a real twister" as Pops used to call them! We'd race around the house putting plastic on the windows, slamming and locking the shutters and finding snuggly lappas to wrap in the excitement! Grace Livingstone Hill was all somehow a part of it. Yup, projects and energy came alive with a storm!

Jeanette said...

Yes! That is exactly what I think! The funny thing is, this "disorder" (a very good one, in my view!) does NOT affect our brother who loves the sunshine and hates overcast skies.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

We had the "nesting" instinct in a storm. Gord was just mad that he couldn't go out setting bait for humongous butterflies and all the other outdoors stuff he used to do.

Nancy said...

Lovely pictures Jeanette...though I do not share your love of the cloudy skies.

Jeanette said...

I really think that Carol-Ann, Renae, and I must be in the minority on this one, Nancy!