Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

April 22, 2008

Picture of the Day

Just to let you know, I'm adding a "Picture of the Day" section to the sidebar. I can't write a new post every day, but I will be changing the picture every day. Who knows who or what will pop up next? Me? You? A baby picture? A pet? An embarrassing moment? Even I have no idea!

ADDENDUM: Well, this idea morphed into something else! Instead of being in the sidebar, this is now going to be at the top of the post column and will be archived each day by changing the posting date to 10 years ago. This will make the "Picture of the Day" posts fall to the bottom of the blog. They can still be seen easily by clicking on "Picture of the Day" in the Labels section on the sidebar.


Louise said...

I like the idea of a picture a day! They show me more of who you are.

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you like the idea, Louise!

Renae said...

Oh, your mother is lovely!


Jeanette said...

Thank you, Renae! In person, she is so much more lovely than this picture can portray.

Louise said...

Your Mom is truly beautiful Jeanette, and I see you in her!

Jeanette said...

Oh, Louise, you truly are kind to me! Thanks for lifting my day!

Louise said...

Oh Jeanette, your Mom was/is beautiful! I so love seeing the joy in her smile and in her eyes. Your eyes sparkle like hers do.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Mama is one of a kind!
And yes, Louise, Jeanette is a true slice off her pie!

My only fear with this is that I'm gonna miss a pic of the day! Sidebar changes don't show up in my bloglines alerts and already I've missed some, methinks!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Phooey, phooey!
What did you have posted yesterday?
Ha! And you thought this little project was going to cut corners!

Jeanette said...

It is an honor to be compared to my mother, ladies! I am sure I do not deserve it at all.

Well, Ms C-A, blog guru...what can we do? I was thinking today that I wish I knew how to put the pictures into an archive, but that is truly beyond me...Can we think on it and see if you can come up with an idea?

You didn't miss anything yet because yesterday I just had Mum's picture at 90 years old, but today I thought it would be nice to have the comparison added in. She still smiles the same way, doesn't she!

Nancy said...

The Allen ladies all carry the same inner beauty, and your mom's complexion is amazing. I have met the lovely lady and we both share the joy of cuddling a certain little white Mini girl. I especially like the kisses. A photo of the day is a very good idea for I believe a picture can say much more than words at times.
Have a great day Jeanette.

Jeanette said...

Nancy, I'm thrilled to have you visit my blog! Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you like the "picture of the day" idea. I browse through pictures and have such a hard time deciding what to put up next!

I know you and my mom both love Mini! (That is Carol-Ann's cute little dog, for those who don't know!) There is no containing Mini's excitement when Mum comes over!

Renae said...

Love the Friday picture! Love, love, love it!


Louise said...

Love the Friday picture! Love it!
Why not put your photos into the post section ... that way you'd have them saved for reference?

Jeanette said...

Well, Louise, I was thinking of the same thing today. I don't like the sidebar because it is very finicky about the size of the picture. The size of today's picture is okay, but for some reason if I would decide to go in and edit the caption, it would save with the picture much smaller and harder to see. Then I have to remove that page element and start all over to get it to be the larger size again. Some of the pictures I would want to post are just too hard to see at that size, so... plus if they are in the post section, you can click on them to see them better, whereas in the sidebar they won't let you do that. (I'm building up the pros and cons on this thing!! So far, it's all pros.) I was hoping to have it be something different from posting (the only con, and it's just my original idea about it and something that could really be changed).

Carol-Ann does so much blog design for other people that I'm hoping she will give me a comment, too, in case there is something I could do that I don't even know exists! (A big possibility, mind you!) Of course, I could change the template entirely...

For tomorrow, I think I will do it as a post until I can figure out if there is something else I could do.

I'm so glad you like the picture! I love it, too, and only wish I knew now what we were laughing so hard about! My brother was standing beside us in the picture, looking very sober, so this was obviously a girl moment!!

Jeanette said...

Another pro...any comments could be seen with the appropriate picture instead of in a long one like this.

Carol-Ann said...

What got me laughing even more than this picture was:

"Can WE think on it and see if YOU can come up with an idea?"

I think Louise has come up with a possible solution -- in fact, I was thinking on those same lines last night. But at the same time, if you write a post and then push it off the screen with pictures, that'll be disappointing because I like to see your posts there for awhile -- I know they are archived but somehow it's not the same!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Just got a slap from Elmo for using his sign-in! Ha!

Jeanette said...

I did that WE and YOU on purpose, oh E. Same Same (alias for Carol-Ann). You are logged in as E. Same Same, dear sister!! Ha ha ha ha!

Anyway, I wish I could put a page element perhaps at the top of the post section that would be more picture friendly than the one I am using. Is there a way without taking a lot of time?

Jeanette said...

No, what I said would not help to archive the pictures, because I would still just change that picture every day. What about an archive of pictures to which I could move yesterday's picture before putting today's up? It would be on the sidebar somewhere???

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Nancy!
I'm always so happy to see you turn up!

Talking of Mini,she has been a very good little girl recently -- her bladder has finally grown and stretched to an acceptable capacity! We don't have to come home with dread anymore!