What I wouldn't give now for an orange or grapefruit or lime, totally ripe, picked off the tree outside the back door! We didn't know how good we had it when we were kids!
This juice squeezer is just like the one we had. Ours was used to make orange and lime juice. We hardly ever made grapefruit juice, and I think it must have been because the grapefruits were so huge they would never have fit in this squeezer! We cut the fruit in half and put one half into the open squeezer...
The whole thing came apart for easy cleaning!
We drank the orange juice or limeade out of aluminum glasses like these...
We didn't have the juicer, but I've seen them; we did have aluminum glasses ... what else would you use with 7 kids under the same roof?
Happy Honeymoon!
You had all those fruits growing right outside your door? That makes my mouth water, just thinking about it!
Have fun on your honeymoon!
This is certainly a nostalgia post! How many limes did we squeeze over the years with that! Funny how you and I have so many identical items for nostalgia! My "shelf" is the hearth by the fireplace. I have a kerosene lantern there and several flat irons with a removeable handle. Plus a pile of larger rocks and wood pieces which somehow makes it all feel right! Don't ask why!
Those aluminum glasses were pretty much indestructible, so for 7 kids it sure made sense, Louise! I saw some spanking new ones in a store while I was gone, and I debated about getting them, and then I said, "No, ours were beat up like the ones I have, so mine will do just fine!"
Yes, Renae! We really did have those right outside our door, and also a coconut tree, the pineapple patch, guava trees, passion fruit vines, and papaya trees. It seems like a dream now, when I think about it. Also down behind the chicken house we had a banana patch. We did not have to go far to get fruit, that was for sure.
I like your shelf, Carol-Ann. And since you mentioned the irons, I'm going to make my next post....
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