Look what I found! While Barry and I were browsing in an antique store a few days ago, I spotted this game and pounced on it with delight! Did the box for our old game look just like this? I can't really remember what it looked like. Maybe it was so beat up that it does not stay in my mind! The copyright on the box is 1949, so it has to be real close.
Here are the rules...
...and here is the game board!
I wanna play! I wanna play! ;-)
Isn't it funny how we can pounce on childhood memorabilia with such energy and aHA! Perhaps it is even more so for us because we have so few actual items from our past -- most of the nostagia pieces have been picked up from hither and yawn!
So next time you come for a visit, stick it in yer bag and we'll have a round to assess what our level of boredom and under-development was in those days when we thought there was no game invented to match it!
Renae, it looks like you will just have to come to Carol-Ann's house with me next time I go! I'll drag the game through the airports, and we will play a round to see what it is like from the adult point of view!
I truly did pounce on that game! It was in a section of one of those consignment antique stores where various people sell their wares. Paid only $15 for it, and the lady at the checkout told me she had not seen it, or she would have bought it because her husband collects Uncle Wiggily stuff. However, when she told me he already has 2 of the games, I told her that made me feel much less guilty about finding it before she did! She thought it was a very good price that the owner was asking for it, and I did too. The box is a little beat up, but the game board does not look like it was used much at all.
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