(not to be confused with Ratatouille, the movie!)
This was on my stove this afternoon, simmering and filling the house with delightful fresh garden scents! I know that ratatouille is usually just vegetables, but I also know that my husband loves his meat, so I started some ground beef browning with my favorite seasonings. Then I chopped up zucchini, eggplant, peppers, and onions to add, freshly picked from the garden. Our tomatoes are not ripe yet, so I settled for canned ones and let it bubble a bit longer until it looked like this.... Mmmmm, absolutely the best served over rice!
So now I have ratatouille in the freezer, and on some snowy day in winter I will start the rice cooker going and pull out one or two of those containers, and we will have us a scrumptious meal!
What time is dinner, again?
I have visions of myself, happily working in the kitchen and making things like this. But the truth is, I get very distracted. I'd much rather be writing than cooking.
I have this fear that I'll someday end up in the Martha Stewart hall of shame!
Your ratatouille (sp?) looks delicious.
It is a shameful, disgusting, frightful, irritating, anxiety-provoking, disdainful display of lazy-lump-ed-ness that I comfortably reside at the opposite end of the pole to you, my blood-relative-sister, when it comes to these matters of hearth and home. 'Nuff said! Um -- may I please have a scoop of your mess of pottage?
I will save one container of said "pottage" in the freezer just in case you ladies can come over!
Believe me, I am no Martha Stewart! I just scratch the surface of what could be done, as you would see if you came to visit! It does fill me with great satisfaction, though, to see my freezer well stocked for the winter from the fruit of our own hands...sort of the ant-carrying-the-crumb-into-the-hole syndrome, I think...
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