Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

September 4, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 09/04/2008

Trent and I were standing by the side of the road on Saturday, and I heard a rustling in the dry weeds. They were moving, so I went over to get a closer look and saw only...dry weeds.

Then they rustled again, and I saw him...

Sneaky little fella!

(Picture by Trent)


Renae said...

Yikes! He doesn't look very friendly, either!

Love these pics!

Jeanette said...

If he were bigger(or if he were a snake!), I would say the same thing! I think he was actually pretty nervous about what I was up to in regards to his little person and was not moving a muscle in the hopes that I would not see him and lose interest!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

OK! I'm outta here! Sheesh! How did I survive the African jungle all those years! I'm such a wimp!

Look at his iddy biddy beady eyes! No, no, no! This is why I am a couch potato ... safe inside me insolated wee bungalow! I am actively involved in hikes and nature walks, vicariously, through the digital photography on the net!

Jeanette said...

I cannot believe I am any braver than you are, C-A!

Did I ever tell you about the stove we had at the house where we lived when Trent was a toddler? I'm sure I have (maybe even on this blog somewhere!) Anyway, on the control panel on the back of the stove there was a star-shaped design/logo, and every time I turned around in that kitchen and saw that thing out of the corner of my eye, my heart jumped because I thought it was a big spider!!

Right now, there is a big garter snake in our garden. He tries his best to keep away from us, but sometimes we surprise him. I know he cannot harm me with poison like the snakes we watched out for as kids, but seeing him unexpectedly brings back the same startled fright that was our protection from harm when we were growing up! Yeah, the heart-in-the-mouth syndrome, but as soon as that first instant is over, my sanity returns and I can coexist with him well enough!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh boy! Well, sometimes I let this stuff be gas for my social vehicle ... like the time I was with Kinza at the zoo and we went into this dark, cave-like section with eerie compartments recessed into the rock. There, lurking and slithering and sleuthing behind glass, were all kinds of fearsome unliveables from snakes to tarantulas. A lady was standing nearby so I said to Kinza in a rather authoritative tone, "Come here, Kinza, and look at these! These hairy monsters are just like what used to live in the mat above the toilet in our bathroom ... except ... I think these look smaller, somehow!

The lady for whose benefit this was staged was just shocked and we immediately had a rollicking conversation which livened up the whole day at the zoo for me!

Nancy said...

You live in a most beautiful place Jeanette. How wonderful to be so close to the beauty of creation , everywhere declaring the Glory and existence of Jesus. Have a lovely weekend.

Nancy said... are too funny ! Though creepy crawly things totally gross me out and sometimes make me forget that I am the giant human with something to swat it with, or a giant shoe with which to send it into eternity.

Jeanette said...

Hi Nancy! Nice to hear from you!
Yes, Carol-Ann is too funny! If bugs get to go into eternity, then I have sent quite a few there!