Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

August 9, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 08/09/2008

Reading was my most favorite past-time from the time I was about 5 or 6. However, we were far from any bookstores, and there was no library anywhere. From here and there over the years we somehow acquired a few choice bits of reading material, and then I proceeded to read them over and over and over and over...

We had several copies of Uncle Wiggily books like this. They were the size of a magazine and had (as you can see from the cover) numerous short stories in each copy. I'm still on the lookout for more of these, as the first sheet in this one is missing, so I don't have the publication date.
Here is an inside shot.
We also had an Uncle Wiggily board game that we played over and over with our friends. I haven't found one of those yet, either.
(Of course, I know I could go internet searching, but since it is so much fun to browse antique stores, I'd rather do it that way for right now!)

ADDENDUM: I just looked at the front cover again, and I see that it says the copyright date is 1943.


Renae said...

I wanna read the Uncle Wiggily stories!

For me, it was our old set of Childcraft books. Did you ever see those? It was like an encyclopedia set, only one volume was stories, one was poems, one was all kinds of crafts, one was science, etc. I think there were about a dozen volumes. For some reason, they got stored on a shelf in our detached garage, and I would disappear out there for hours, yes, even in the Texas heat, and get lost in those books! I don't know why I didn't just bring them inside where there was air conditioning.

Of course, I wasn't in Liberia. I could go to the library as well. But there is just something about calling a book your own, and you can go back and read the same stories over and over . . .

There is something about your blog that makes me ramble. I don't do this on anybody else's blog. Feel free to edit me anytime. ;-)

Jeanette said...

I love your rambling! Please don't stop. I think my blog must be somehow different, but I don't know!

That two peas in a pod thing is popping up again! I never saw the Childcraft books, but we had The Book of Knowledge which I will put a pic of up sometime, and I was just the same. That set of books was a combination of science, stories, geography, poetry, crafts, all kinds of things. Hours could pass and I would not even know it, I was so immersed in the other world of books. Everywhere we went was hot, too, but Carol-Ann and I would take books and lie down on the bare cement floor under our beds to read. (The beds were constructed higher from the floor than normal probably to keep creepy-crawlies from getting into them!) It was the coolest place we could find!

And yes, to this day there is something about calling a book my own. I still rarely go to the library. We have so many books that I sometimes say we could start our own library!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I like eavesdropping on the rambles! You two are something else!

I have felt so badly for Kinza that she has not had the luxury of being able to set up housekeeping under her bed! We had such fun under there and never once were we bothered by a tarantula or some other such. Although, once the lights were out, other boogie-people took their turn at playing under there! Shiver, shudder!