Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

August 26, 2008

To keep in touch...

If there could be snow in August, you would see a pile of it with me underneath... I have been so "snowed under" that I have not been able to post, and today is another day just like that. More transcription work than I can do + the garden + trying to help with an elderly friend + the usual care for Coral and other home stuff. I'm hoping things calm down in the next day or two. In the meantime, this is just a note to keep in touch until I can post properly again...


Carol-Ann Allen said...

I was starting to wonder what was up since you were out of your usual pattern!

The one good thing about blogging is that when yo get overwhelmed by everything there is to do, you do have ONE thing you can let go of for a while! :)

Renae said...

Whew! I was about to send out a search party . . .

Take your time. We'll be here when you get back. ;-)

Jeanette said...

Thanks, you two!

Pray for me...

Renae said...

E.T., phone home!

Are you still there?

Jeanette said...

This is E.T. phoning home!

Yes, I'm here ... barely :(

But things are getting brighter :)

Thanks for asking. I'm hoping the Labor Day weekend will find me footloose and fancy free (well, at least free! My fancy has been long taken!!)