Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

August 29, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 08/29/2008

I've missed a few days of posting because of the fact that I actually need a little sleep now and then! My day job is medical transcription... Did I say "day job?" Pardon me! What I really meant is my all-times-of-the-day-and-night job! The last two weeks have been my busiest ever with that, and then into that scenario we mix the fact that the vegetables in the garden are ready to be processed and frozen for the winter, Coral had a neurology appointment and ongoing med experimentation, and our elderly friend Warren has many problems to overcome as he rehabs from a broken leg.

Before I get some of the above-mentioned sleep, I am going to open a window on my day today and imagine you peeking in! I buzzed through the work from two doctors, and then went out to the garden to pick some corn.Here is L.C. (Lap Cat) checking out the remains after I shucked the corn.

In the sink, ready to be washed...

Bubbling on the stove, with the timer set for 4 minutes....

Dunking the cobs in cold water to stop the cooking process and cool them quickly for handling...

Letting the cobs dry so that there will be no water mixed with the kernels when I cut them off...

Cutting ALL that corn off of ALL those cobs...

Ready for the freezer!
I froze 10 bags in all today, and each bag had the kernels from 6 to 8 cobs in it.
(Some of the cobs were really young, so they made an extra-special tender bag!)

Like I said, I actually need a little sleep now and then... and I think it better be now!


Renae said...

I cannot believe you take the time to cut all the corn off the cobs. I'm so impressed! My family would be having corn on the cob for months!

This may sound strange, but I like to eat fresh corn right off the cob, never been cooked. (I do wash it, though.) It is so sweet that way, like eating candy!

One of these days I'm going to show up at your door at dinner time!

Jeanette said...

It doesn't sound strange at all that you eat the corn right off the cob, fresh. Barry does the same thing! In fact, he snatched one of the fresh cobs on his way through the kitchen yesterday. Too bad I couldn't take a picture of him crunch-crunching out the door or of me shaking a finger at him!

I guess I cut the corn off the cobs for two reasons. First, the cobs take so much room in the freezer that I wouldn't be able to freeze nearly as much, considering everything else I have in there from the garden and elsewhere. Second, it might just be me, but I think it is easier to handle and cook later when it is just the kernels.

Come on over, girl!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh dear!
I am so NOT a Suzy Homemaker! But betwixt the two of us, sis, we does a lotta stuff.

Hey! What is Barry doing eating CORN????? Am I mistaken????? I thought he was allergic to anything with corn/corn oil in it!

How's your deskwork doing? Update! Update!

For being Labour Day weekend, we are not labouring very much here! Slept in till you don't wanna know when! Worked on a template for someone -- I know ... I'm supposed to not be going anywhere near blog-design right now! But the little junkie in me was kicking up a fuss this morning so I gave in.

I can hear Kinza screaming with laughter upstairs over "Life with Derek". Her claim to fame is that "Derek" went to her school of the arts highschool!

You have to come for a visit and sit yourself down in my new chair. I was shopping for a client the other day who has cancer and needs a recliner. I found one in the Sears clearance store -- was originally over $1600.oo and was on sale for $321.00. I asked the guy what was wrong with it -- he said, "Nothing! It just stayed in the showroom too long!" So I called her and described it but she didn't want it! I gave a big sigh and called my Honey! You know how soft he is! Um, well, it is now sitting in my office and I feel like a Queen.

I also feel GUILTY! I keep thinking of "Old Lady Francie" sitting on a crookegie, rickety, rattan stool-chair gazing into the smokey embers under her pot of rice and wonder how I dare to bring stuff like this into my house.

Thoughts like that, though, are like the shadow back-drop behind a header font on a blog -- they give the text depth and dimension. So I sat in my chair this morning and thanked God for the unexpected gift!

Jeanette said...

Well, Carol-Ann, how I loved to find your long comment! I almost need to make a new post just to answer it! Ha ha! We have been in Eldorado Canyon again today working our muscles a bit. This is very good for all of us, and I'm glad Trent pushes us to go.

Let's see...You are SOOO right that between the two of us we do a lot of stuff! It is funny that in some ways we are EXACTLY ALIKE and in others we are so different!

Barry and the corn thing... that is the strange part, and we don't know why, but the only corn that does not give him problems is the non-GMO corn (non-genetically modified). He can eat the non-GMO popcorn that I can buy at the health food stores and he can eat the non-GMO corn that we plant in our garden, but other corn makes his tingling and pain in the hands much worse. They genetically alter it for all kinds of things (bigger cobs, straighter rows of kernels, sweeter corn, bug resistance, etc., etc.) However, people have commented that the corn we have in our garden is some of the best they have ever tasted, so I'm not sure if all the modifying is really necessary!

I think you must mean my transcription... I'm not exactly sure why I am getting so much work. Of course, Dr. Leon I have to do all of, but the other company leaves it up to me how much I want to do. However, when they have summer vacations to cover, everyone has to pitch in. Me being the middle child people-pleaser type, I not only want to increase my earnings but also want to be needed and valued at work and want to have the reputation of being a dependable consistent transcriptionist who puts out excellent work. So there you go. However, I do feel as if I am getting a better handle on things now.

I'm so glad you have the comfort of your wonderful chair! And I know exactly what you are talking about regarding the guilty feelings of having so much physical blessing in comparison with people we know who have (or have had) almost none... Why was I born in my spot and they in theirs? Let's make sure to share our blessings and allow these thoughts to shape the depth of our thankfulness... (as you did!)