Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

July 8, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 07/08/2008

Our "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree"

Here is the tree in our front yard, the one with the mourning dove nest in it. Isn't it the strangest looking thing? It actually has more leaves on it this year than usual. It has a healthy straight trunk, and the branches are symmetrical and would make the tree a lovely shape -- if only it had proper leaves on them! The doves did not have to fight off any other birds who thought this tree would be good to nest in! Actually, the other birds are all laughing behind their wings at their poor choice!

(The sprinkler happened to get in the bottom of the picture.)


Carol-Ann Allen said...

NOW I see why you call it your Charlie Brown tree! That made no sense before but I am just rocking with laughter! Thanks for the very funny start to my day!

Jeanette said...

Ha ha! Glad you like it! I posted that pic because I knew seeing is believing. WHAT is that tree's problem?? Its trunk and branches look so healthy, you wonder how it gets its nutrition with so few leaves. When it was little, we kept thinking it would come out of this, and now it is so big it would be a huge job just to take it down. (Besides, now we are attached to it!)

Renae said...

We have the same tree in our front yard. Perhaps they are cousins.

Jeanette said...

I didn't think there could be two in existence, Renae! And to think we have them to enjoy!