Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

July 24, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 07/24/2008

The boa constrictor that swallowed the deer!

My mother and Isabel, one of her coworkers. This had to have been a REALLY big event for my mother who had not been in Liberia all that long when this picture was taken.
This boa constrictor swallowed a small deer, and it was killed and cut open to show what was inside it! (Some of the other pictures show the deer but aren't very good quality anymore.)

The ladies are posing with this reptile, but at a decent distance!


Renae said...

Oh, I would have gone to see Jesus right then and there. Guess that's why he called me to sit right behind this lil' ol' computer, and not to Liberia.

Here is a subtle, subliminal message for you:

(write a book write a book write a book write a book write a book)



Jeanette said...

;-) right back attcha! Thanks for a good morning laugh on the subtle message, Renae! That idea is still percolating and has not gone away, so we shall see...

Carol-Ann Allen said...

When you write help a book, what do you start help with? The help title? The table of help contents? The conclusion help? The help introduction? A help skeleton -- meat to be added help? The help meat -- skeleton to be help whittled down to?

Does anyone need help to find the subliminal message here?

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Now I need to go ask my doctor for a sublingual ativan!

Jeanette said...

Now you have my brain in a twist, C-A! Are we up to this??

Renae said...

You crack me up! If it were my book, I would start with a rough skeleton - just an outline of what to cover. Perhaps brainstorm chapter titles,and put them in order? Then, rather than a whole book, which can be overwhelming, you can just write about the different topics. This way, the two of you can cover different chapters, then switch and add to each other's.

The title will change a zillion times, but you can start with that if it makes you feel better. :-)

Just my two cents, for what it is worth. :-)

Renae said...

Carol, I am going right now to look up the words "sublingual" and "ativan". Is that kind of like "atta-girl"?

Jeanette said...

I wish I didn't know this already, but I have to admit that I do because of my job...

Sublingual means under the tongue, and Ativan is an anti-anxiety med.

Hmmm...I think she means the idea of writing a book is making her anxious (am I right, Carol-Ann??)

Renae said...

Oh, that could be handy. Carol-Ann, when you get some, send a little down here to Texas! ;-)

Renae said...

As for the book, my PaPa would say "Pshaw! It ain't nothin'." It's like riding a bike. Thinking about it is harder than doing it.

So, as Nike would say, "Just do it!"


Jeanette said...

Thanks for the advice on how to start on a book, Renae. That makes a lot of sense. Also, I bet your PaPa would be right about this.

Now if Carol-Ann and I can get the tips of our noses above water on our work, we would be all set!! :-}