Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

July 10, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 07/10/2008


Our cat Najee thinks that everything we do has an intended purpose for her.
If we sit down, it is because we want to give her a lap to sit on. If we are vacuuming, it is because we cooked up a plot to scare her. If we are fixing dinner, it is because we think she looks hungry. If we let L.C. in from outside, it is because we knew she needed another cat to annoy. If we go to bed at night, it is because she is waiting to warm up our feet. If we lay some clothing on the bed, it is so she can have the perfect spot to shed some fur. And if we strip the bed to wash the sheets, she thinks we are giving her a wonderful big place to stretch out!


Renae said...

I try to refrain from commenting about cats because I am not a "cat" person. But Najee looks like a real sweetie, even if she is a self-centered little thing!

Jeanette said...

Well, I am a cat person, but I like a cat with more the personality of a dog :D Najee is a pretty little thing, but I say she is way too many nerves wrapped up in way too much fur. I much prefer Trent's cat, Tux, who is short-haired, aggressive, confident, and hard to scare.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I still do intend to start a hobby of collecting pet names and the top of the list will be the cat who was named "Dog"!


Jeanette said...

Good one, Carol-Ann!

Renae said...

Carol Ann! So great to see you! I feel like you have up and moved to Canada or something, since I can't come to your "house" anymore!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ha, Renae!
Thanks for the comment! You know how sisters are -- when one is out in the cold, the other takes them in! So I'm shelterin' under this roof for awhile!

Jeanette said...

I've been out at a wedding this evening...

Yes, Carol-Ann, that is how sisters are; at least, that is how we are. Come in from the cold and have a cup of coffee with me as often as you can.