Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

July 15, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 07/15/2008

It was 30 years ago today!

(I ran out of time! We are taking a half day off and going out together to celebrate. More pictures tomorrow.)


Carol-Ann Allen said...

The best thing about this post was to see that you "ran out of time" because you are "going out together to celebrate"!
Happy Anniversary you two!
30 years!
Are we old enough for that?

Andrea said...

Congratulations you guys! This is so exciting; enjoy yourselves.

And as Pastor Stan would say, "the best is yet to come!"

Jeanette said...

Thanks, Carol-Ann and Andrea!

We're old enough, I'm afraid! I can still remember when I thought 30 was sort of old, and now I have been married that long! Yikes!

That's exactly what Pastor Stan would say, Andrea! But I hadn't thought of it, so thanks for reminding me!