Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

May 2, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 05/02/2008

Here's the other side of the story! And just to be clear, there was nothing hurting her that day. She just did not want to be in that outfit and kicked up such a fuss that we could not resist getting the camera! Ha ha! What a little rascal! (Those were the days when I curled her bangs with a curling iron every morning before she went to school!!)


Renae said...

Oh, you ol' meanie, making her wear that outfit!

Just kidding! We've had a few of those moments around here, too.

Apparently, Coral has very strong opinions about fashion. :-)


Carol-Ann Allen said...

This made me laugh! I thought of your pic of the day several times today but was unable to get here earlier to view it!

It's YOUR fault, MOM! gag! How would YOU feel about being dressed in palm trees!

Jeanette said...

Ha, ha, you two! I knew you would be laughing! Of course, I do know I am taking unfair advantage of Coral by posting this unflattering picture. It would probably be as much as my life is worth to do that to Trent!!

The story on that outfit is that it was given to Coral in the 80s and was made and sewn in Liberia where tiedye is beautifully designed. At that point in time, it didn't seem like it might now! Still and all, Coral did NOT want to wear it!!

Louise said...

I've had days like this ... still do at times. I can relate to Coral all too well.

Jeanette said...

Yes, Louise, I know what you mean. And I know Coral would appreciate your empathy, too, if she could tell you.