Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

May 9, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 05/09/2008

Trent's love of cats goes way back!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

So very, very cute!
You can just feel the warm snuggly!

Louise said...

Precious, precious memories.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Both child and cat have smiles on their faces -- teddy can't believe what he sees...what's that for a forsaken look!

Jeanette said...

Teddy can never compete with a nice warm kitty!

Most of the cats we have ever had don't particularly care to get down under the covers with you. They would rather sit on your feet, as if they are hot water bottles put under the covers just for them!

Trent told me that Tux, his present cat, likes to crawl under the covers with him but never wants to be at his back, so if Trent turns over, he gets out from under the covers, goes over to the other side, and down under the covers again!