Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

May 20, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 05/20/2008

This is a page from a book my mother filled out for each of her three children, each one of them individually written by hand. I guess this proves that we come by our love of cats very honestly! (You can click on the page above to see it better.)


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Now there's a childhood bedtime story come alive! And Kinza has heard it from me many times and I'm sure you told it to Trent when he was little!

By the way, interesting little six-legged specimen on that pic! Is it pressed into your book, or did it happen to be resting on the lid of the scanner? I was so fascinated with him/her I had to drag my eyes away to ready the story!

Jeanette said...

Oh, my goodness! How did that escape me?? Obviously, I was more attracted by the words!!

I have checked, and buggie is no where to be found -- not in book, not on scanner, nowhere!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ha Ha!
Now let's see!
How do we investigate the family line of buggie? It sure is a cutie -- does that mean it's a cootie?

Carol-Ann Allen said...

We can always paint him out and you can repost -- or you can leave everything as is and hire an entomologist to offer hees opeenion!

Jeanette said...

Or, I could do the eeziest theeng of all, and just re-scan the page! But then all these comments would be wasted! We can't have that. So I think I shall leave the buggie to rest in peace! And everyone can click on the page to enlarge and admire him!!