Photo by Trent, taken while hiking
at Emerald Lake in
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

May 16, 2008

PICTURE OF THE DAY -- 05/16/2008

The checking conference

They are checking one of the little sections of mimeographed sheets that I talked about with yesterday's picture. Robert (or his wife Edna) and my mom had written a few chapters down, she had carefully typed it on stencils, the stencils had been duplicated on the mimeograph, and the sheets were assembled and stapled into booklets. These booklets had been distributed to some of the Christians in the area who had agreed to read them over and then gather together to discuss and improve on or clarify the translation so that the final version could be decided on and published.

It was sometimes very obvious that an expression or word needed to be changed after hearing the possible understandings people got from the first draft. And sometimes there were other better words or phrases that could be used that my mother and Robert had not thought of. This pooling of knowledge and ideas was a very important part of the process.

I think they all looked forward to these get-togethers! They usually met in a large open room in a building not too far from our house, and sometimes we would hear a roar of laughter coming from that room as they all enjoyed a joke together!

(You can see my mom's made-to-order book turntable in use sitting beside her!)


Renae said...

Jeanette, this brings tears to my eyes and puts a song in my heart. Praise God! Thanks to your parents, these people have God's written Word to them.

These pictures are amazing. I may just write up a query letter myself, and put your name on it! LOL This has got to be published . . .

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Here's an idea, Renae ...
you come up to Toronto to spend a week with Mom and tap her brains for a book while your Honey renovates yer kitchen!

Renae said...

I knew I liked you, Carol-Ann! How soon can I come? ;-)

Jeanette said...

Oh, I have to come too!! We would have so much fun!

Just got back from Coral's neuro appointment and now rushing into the shower to get ready for playing the organ for the processional at a graduation tonight. Just had to check over here while swallowing a few mouthfuls of sustenance to see me through!

Carol-Ann Allen said...
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Carol-Ann Allen said...

'm glad that's you and not me, JJ! I'll play any day for funerals but you can take weddings and Pomp and Circumstance!

You know, the guy who fixed our church organ a few months ago scratched his head when I walked in. He thought I was going to be at least 75 years old. He said we are "a dying minority" who know how to navigate that instrument -- so I sat down quick and took my pulse!

Well girls, sometimes amazing things start by people laughing over the absurdity of the possibility of such an impossibility! Who knows! Maybe one day Mama shall have a book!

Jeanette said...

Oh, how I love that organ, Carol-Ann! I have played many organs, all sorts and brands, big and small, but I will never be truly satisfied with any other one, I don't think. (It's the one I played for years and years at church.) Three consoles, full pedals from one end to the other, three sound/volume pedals -- one to bring in the strings, one to bring in the reeds, one to really blast 'em, and oh, so many options for setting the various sounds...

Yes, we are a dying breed, I know. It makes me kinda sad. It is sort of like knowing how to play the accordion. You just don't know if you should admit to it anymore, it is so passe!

Anyway, enough of that...all went gloriously well tonight. Now I can breathe again!

Back to the book...I just think it is the best idea. I am so out of touch with kids books, like Heroes of Faith, that I would not have even known that would be something we could do. And then sometimes you are so close to your own family, you can't see a story no matter how hard you look! You know you like to talk about it but aren't sure anyone else would be interested. I'm so short on time now for a bit, but this is definitely percolating, thanks to Renae! And I am getting pretty excited about the idea of a book like this, no matter who writes it!